Volunteer with the Friends of the RUH

Make a valuable contribution to patient experience.

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Volunteers make a unique and valuable contribution to the hospital environment,  and are key to making the hospital a more welcoming, friendly space for patients, carers, visitors, and staff. For over sixty years, The Friends of the RUH has been providing volunteers to the RUH.

Our volunteers reflect a wide group of ages, skills and backgrounds and we have a variety of roles that can suit each individual.

Our volunteers reflect a wide group of ages, skills and backgrounds and we have a variety of roles that can suit each individual. Volunteering often brings a wide range of benefits to the volunteer, including:

  • Increased personal wellbeing from helping others
  • Increased social experiences
  • Developing skills, knowledge and being part of team

Many of volunteers have experienced the care of the RUH either themselves or via family or friends, and have decided they wish to give something back.

The RUH is constantly working to create new roles.